SDCN Spring Kick-off

Welcome to the SDCN Spring Kick-Off!
Have you got questions about integrating into the Swedish life and starting a career? Do you feel that only somebody who has gone through the same experience as you would be able to answer?
At this event you will get the chance to:
  • Learn from experienced SDCN members on how they overcame the challenges of integrating into the Swedish life
  • Ask questions about how things work in Sweden
  • Meet and network with other SDCN members
Come and participate in a Q&A session with a panel of experienced ‘integrators’. Hear from them about their struggles and what they wish they knew when they moved to Sweden, as well as how they overcame and solved their questions and problems.
Event outline:
  • Brief introduction of the panelists
  • Q&A session with experienced integrators
  • Fika
  • Small group discussions on settling in Stockholm 
Please sign-up for the Spring Kick-off no later than 16th January. Please note that you need to be a registered SDCN member to attend the event. Please also note that there is a limit of 25 participants
We look forward to welcoming you!

Event details:

18 January 2019

1:00 PM– 4:00 PM

Staf, Valhallavägen 79, 4th floor

Social event