From Kafferep to Swedish Fika

Welcome to take part in a traditional Kafferep and listen to Viveka Adelswärd, Professor Emerita in Communication, who will tell us the history behind the fika culture and much more.

The word Kafferep has its origins from the late 1700s, when women were not allowed to drink coffee at public coffee houses. Instead, meetings were arranged at someone’s place, where all the women brought the coffee beans they managed to get hold of. Coffee was something very exclusive and sometimes even forbidden. At the gatherings, the women gossiped and small talked, while they often sat and worked together. Among other things, they used to scratch (repa) old fabrics that were then sold to lumber shoppers for papermaking – hence the word kafferep. Kafferep is a precursor to the modern Swedish fika but it has been a bit modernized. We still like to sit together and talk around a cup of coffee but probably we eat less cookies and cakes!

Viveka Adelsward Foto Peter karlsson

Welcome to take part in a traditional Kafferep and listen to Viveka Adelswärd, Professor Emerita in Communication, who will tell us the history from Kafferep to Fika and much more.

Number of places for this event is limited, and registration is mandatory. Please use the link below to sign up for the event, no later than 20 November.

kafferep sju sorters kakor precursor to Swedish fika

Event details:

22 November 2017

14:00– 16:00

Staf, Valhallavägen 79, 4th floor