Stockholm is a State of Minds
– the SDCN Podcast

Each year brilliant minds from all over the world move to Stockholm – for work at universities, companies, and other organisations, for university studies, as accompanying partner, for love, or for refuge. Brilliant minds, who want to settle down, find a job, get to know the culture and understand society. This podcast is for you.

Join hosts Maria and Philip for casual conversations exploring key topics commonly discussed over coffee breaks and meals as well as pivotal events that have shaped Swedish society for generations – helping peel back cultural layers and fast track the transition to your new home. And they will bring along guests – interesting people offering their own insights from deep knowledge in different fields.

Reach out on Instagram @stockholmdualcareernetwork or LinkedIn @Stockholm Dual Career Network (SDCN) and ask your own questions. In a following episode we might even bring an expert who can tell us all about it!