SDCN Academy: Unlock Sweden

SDCN Academy: Unlock Sweden is a unique 5-week program where participants begin a personal and professional journey together with other SDCN members.

Through the program, you will explore the cultural and historical layers of Swedish society, while reflecting on who you are and your place within Stockholm’s vibrant eco-system and developing the practical skills and resources to successfully navigate recruitment processes and land a job (while having a lot of fun along the way).

The speakers and coaches at the program are leading experts in their fields.

With a holistic approach in mind, the program is designed to provide the network, information, support, and training necessary to not only enter the Swedish labor market, but also to become more rooted in Stockholm – making it feel more like home.

Upcoming program details:
Dates: September 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27; October 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 15
Time: 9:30-12:30
Location: Stockholms Akademiska Forum + study visits
Size: 20 participants (maximum)

We host 4 programs every year which start in January, April, September, and November.

SDCN Academy: Unlock Sweden is proudly presented by Stockholms Akademiska Forum, in partnership with The City of Stockholm and all 18 universities and higher education institutions in Stockholm.


Yes, you need to be the spouse/partner of an employee at one of SDCN’s partner organizations, and join as a member.

Yes, the program is included in your SDCN member benefits.

Yes, the program has been designed with a holistic approach in mind. It is important that you participate in every session unless prohibited by illness or another urgent matter (or you land a job of course). If you are interested but unsure about scheduling, please contact us – we will work out a solution together!

There will be 4 programs every year – starting in September, November, January, and April.

Great to hear! We think learning Swedish is vital to making Stockholm feel like home. That being said, we believe SDCN Academy will serve as a good foundation in starting your new life here. If possible, we recommend starting your Swedish course after the program or choosing one during the afternoon.

Exciting! Please contact Philip to start a conversation about partnering with SDCN.

Please feel free to get in touch!