The SDCN Swedish språkcafé


On a cold afternoon on the 15th of February, we premiered our first ever SDCN Swedish språkcafé. Held every Thursday [...]

The SDCN Swedish språkcafé2018-03-16T13:19:57+01:00

SDCN at CHaSE 2018


SDCN was represented at Careers in Health and Science Exposition (CHaSE) at Karolinska Institutet! We connected with Stockholm's international scholars and [...]

SDCN at CHaSE 20182018-03-12T11:34:03+01:00

SDCN Spring Kick-off


Yesterday's SDCN spring kick-off was both informational and inspiring. We had the pleasure of having the four SDCN management team [...]

SDCN Spring Kick-off2018-03-08T14:08:12+01:00

Career Speed Dating with Novare Potential


At yesterday’s SDCN event, cohosted with Novare Potential, SDCN members got the chance to meet Novare’s recruiters for a career [...]

Career Speed Dating with Novare Potential2018-02-22T09:30:29+01:00