

'Moving to a new country is never easy however after attending this fall's kick-off at SDCN and learning about the fellow members' experience and how they overcame their difficulties to find a job or make friendships, I started to see things from another perspective. SDCN is an extremely supportive community where members are about to help each other. Becoming a member is one of the best things that could happen to me after moving.''

Flóra Katona, Business Support Associate, TEKsystems

"Thank you so much for organizing so many events and making me feel like a family within SDCN. I am so grateful to SDCN; it wouldn't have been possible without you to get this job.''

Sharulatha Ravisankar, laboratory engineer, Valneva

"The SDCN has given me the necessary tools to be able to make my way in this new city and culture, and to be able to establish myself for example: from the job search, as well as to study the Swedish Language.''

Magda Tuset, Administrator, Lernia

"SDCN helped me when I'd really felt like giving up. I totally revamped my CV after getting advice during career group and I got the interview after that. I then booked a guidance hour with SDCN which was really helpful to prepare for my first proper interview in Sweden."

Carrie Greenwood, Archive Assistant at Hagströmer Bibliotek (Karolinska Institutet)

"Above all, SDCN helped me above all with enduring the long period of unemployment, belonging to a community, making friends and enjoying life. SDCN also allowed me to improve my Swedish!"

Vinícius De Freitas Corrêa, Language Coach, Stockholm Universtity

"SDCN was the first place I ever visited where I could interact with diverse and beautiful personalities after coming here. Suddenly networking started to become fun with the amazingly organised sessions on career guidance, swedish leasons, swedish job market & work culture and many more.''

Pallavi Kulkarni, Product Configuration Engineer, Alfa Laval

"Moving to a new country can be challenging in many ways and SDCN has been a blessing to me in this regard. It not only helped me tailor my CV and cover letter attuned to the Swedish market but also gave my first friends in the city and a robust professional network. SDCN is doing an amazing job and it will forever be close to my heart.''

Ankita Jha, Financial Accountant, Upfield

"The activities, namely the Career Support Group and the Swedish Language Café, were the best moments of my weeks that were otherwise spent job hunting alone at home!''

Cecilia Göransson, Marketing Coordinator, BDB/MMS

"When I moved to Stockholm, SDCN was the first place where I got to know the business culture, work ethics, and professional networking in Sweden. This was very important to more easily integrate into the society and find a job faster. Besides, I found many friends to hang out with in SDCN's warm environment which was essential for not feeling homesick.''

Pouya Louyeh, Mechanical Development Engineer, Northvolt

"Arriving in a new country it is easy to feel a little disoriented. At SDCN, I found a very welcoming environment and the right people, everyone ready to help me to learn about Swedish society and the working culture of this beautiful city. ''

Enrico Puglisi, System Engineer, CLEEVEN Sc

"I wanted to thank you and let you know how valuable it has been for me to be a part of SDCN and to have access to many such amazing platforms where all of you are consistently working towards integration and inclusion in a new country for people moving to Sweden. Thank you! "

Swetha Dua, Project Manager, Avanade

"The professional events allowed me to meet people and their stories motivated me to move forward. The career support group helped me to understand how to look for a job and how things work here in Sweden. And the most important part, the guidance hour, helped me to improve my CV and cover letter and gave me tips for interviews."

Gloria Cecilia Morales Londono, Frontend Developer

"I think the most important component, though, was positivity. I can’t count the days I might have given up hope of getting anything I found interesting (or anything at all), but this really is a SUPPORT group in that sense. I owe many thanks to the people who were a part of that support."

Olivia Downey, International Officer EIT Digital, KTH

"I believe that being a member of  SDCN's management team was what helped me the most, by gaining experience in working within a Swedish setting. It was important to be able to refer to this experience when looking for opportunities in Stockholm."

Theodoros Kolonas, Wind and Turbine Performance engineer, OX2 Wind

"One of the most challenging and frightening tasks was to start looking for a job in this strange country. I did not know the first thing about work etiquette, the application process, and the cover letter, which is not a requirement back home. However, SDCN helped me find my footing in this process, and I am glad to say that I found a job fairly quickly in my area.''

Laura Chavarria, Impact Data Manager, Kodiak Hub

"I learned a lot from SDCN events like job interview preparation (this one in particular was very helpful). You have been bringing great professionals to support the members with important matters. SCDN has helped and guided me immensely in the right direction. You also helped me to meet people and network. I am so happy to be in the Stockholm Mentorship Program. It is awesome to have someone to share experiences and ideas. "

Lucione Rabelo, Sales Executive

"I will always be grateful for having joined SDCN. I met many people, learned many things, mainly how to have a good CV and cover letter, Swedish culture and a lot more. You all are doing a very great job by helping and supporting people like me.''

Hema Jayachandran, full-time position, Schibsted

"SDCN helped me to improve my resume and cover letter according to Swedish standards, gained job hunting skills, acquired LinkedIn profile update skills, interview-facing skills, and Swedish language proficiency through the language café while making a great network with people who have diverse cultural backgrounds.''

Heshan Perera, Quality Control Technician, Northvolt

"SDCN helped me to find new friends and feel truly welcome in these first months. I found career support groups and seminars especially helpful in order to get an overview of the new job market. The most memorable one was probably the 2021 Spring Kick-Off event. I’m forever grateful to SDCN management and its members for all the kind support and guidance I got!"

Veronica Kantsevaya, Customer Service Coordinator

SDCN helped me to "tune in" my CV to Swedish viewers. My CV was tailored for the US, where you have a very different approach than here. It was also very important to meet new people and network. I still hang out with friends I made during SDCN activities. In my opinion, the SDCN team does an amazing job. It made a big difference!

Juliana Ortlieb Luz, Project Manager, Engineering Consulting Firm

''Finding a job in Stockholm was a long process for me. SDCN gave me confidence and optimism in this journey. Meeting a lot of new people and hearing their stories helped me keep my spirits up in a difficult time.''

Tauri Viil, Data Analyst, Nordea

"Through SDCN I found my way in Stockholm. The career events helped me to get my CV and cover letter ready for the Swedish job market and the culture events taught me more about this beautiful country. Most valuable to me were the social events where I met our fantastic members who were always willing to give advice, a helping hand, or a listening ear. My advice to new members of SDCN is to make full use of all the experience SDCN has with supporting partners relocating to Stockholm, as they know all the ins and outs and cheer you on all the way. ''

Puck Imants, Data Scientist, Telia

"I got fresh perspectives on how to apply for jobs and learned how approach employers in an effective way. I got personal guidance and feedback on my CV and cover letters in the weekly Career Support Group. I encourage you to go to events, join professional forums, and talk to people about your job search. That’s one of the great tips I got at SDCN, and that’s what got me my current job in Stockholm. Last but not least, SDCN became like a family to me."

Eugen Azcoaga, UX design consultant, Valtech

"SDCN is a support group in the true sense and even after having landed a job fairly quickly, I would like to continue being part of the community to support others in any way I can.''

Vidya Singh, Impact People & Culture Manager, BuddyCompany.com